
Monday, July 12, 2010

Gamble on a New Razor

Close, Closer, Closest.
Gillett has further refined and replaned its money making Fusion 5 blade system to introduce the "Fusion ProGlide." By adding an oil slick strip and thinning the razors, Proctor and his buddy Gamble have retooled their new found acquisition's prime product to introduce what is the smoothest shave I can imagine.

They have come a long way from their humble safety razor beginnings but major developments kept happening and shaving has never looked back. Safety went out the window, Mach 3 sped things up and Fusion threw us into a "Matrix" like dimension. Competitors cannot keep up and have embraced the old to compete with the new. If you look closely and survey the situation, you will see re-tooled safety razors and throw back barber supplies being marketed with gold, platinum and ebony handles. For me, the old stuff is grand but I just don't have that kind of time in the morning. Anything that can knock down the growth without making me look like I was in a brawl, is the regime I can live with.

So, get up get out and get's your beard and your face!

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